Making a small embroidery sample for an illustration |
Yesterday I polished up the written portion of a magazine article. Then I
worked on making samples for some in-process photos. It really felt good to
be working at the machine again. I will let all of you know when and
where it will be published later. Of course, Oreo heard the machine and
came in to help with my project. Sometimes it is better to work without
an assistant!
Here is Oreo pictured on a different project, she is always willing to share her fur with others | | | | |
Ann Fahl
Will be nice to see your new project when complete. I, too, have an assistant with four paws. But she loves to sit IN the bed of the machine. It's a battle of wits, but they're so cute.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm love what Oreo is lying on....lol
Oreo is such a big help.
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