Last week, I had some free time. I've had the feeling that I haven't played in my studio in a long time. I've been doing lots of writing, but not really any quilting. Hmmmm, what am I avoiding?
Lyric's Bead DVD arrived and I found it quite inspiring, so I decided to make a collage to both bead and embroider.
Collage, pinned and un-fused, it needs squaring up too |
There are two little drawers full of fused scraps in my studio. To begin I created a pieced background with 5 irregular strips of dark fabrics. From my stash I pulled out a gray, dark print, blue, red and green fabrics of a similar dark value, pieced them together. This is not an attractive background but it is interesting.
Next I pulled out all those little fused scraps of this and that. All saved from earlier projects because they were too valuable to throw out! So here is what I have so far. It's fun, but perhaps a monstrosity! We'll see. Mostly it is a learning and confidence building exercise.
Completed collage, fused and embroidery has been started |
There are images in this thing, from quilts that have not yet been finished, and pieces that are as old as the hills!
Appliqued spiral from lower left corner, appliqued with red metallic thread and a programmed stitch |
I have no idea where this spiral was from, but I have a bunch of them in warm colors. I am doing as much as the embroidery as I can with metallic threads. If you look at the right hand column of this blog, you will see my newest booklet pictured:
Mastering Metallics. So I'm using all the tips and ideas I've discovered in the last year or more, working on that project. My next blog will be all about that booklet.
Rhonda's Ginkgo, embroidered with variegated gold thread, but not trimmed up |
There is a large hand painted ginkgo fused in the center right area of the collage. Maybe 5 years ago my neighbor Rhonda, gave me a ginkgo leaf this size that she found when she was at the library. I cut this hand painted fabric leaf out immediately, but it never found a home, so here it is. This is why these collages are so much fun.
Off and on, as I make progress on the metallic thread and the beading, I'll show you what I've done. You can see the endless possibilities for bead-work and threads. We'll see what evolves. It'll be fun.
Have any of you been to see my show at the La Conner quilt museum? If you have, please let me know what you think. I haven't had any feedback yet, and I'm dying to know what it looks like!
Ann Fahl